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Setting up Azure Key Vault

The private/public key pairs used by Tessera can be stored in and retrieved from a key vault, preventing the need to store the keys locally.

This page details how to set up and configure an Azure Key Vault for use with Tessera.

The Microsoft Azure documentation provides much of the information needed to get started. The information in this section has been taken from the following pages of the Azure documentation:

Creating the vault

The Key Vault can be created using either the Azure Web Portal or the Azure CLI.

Using the portal

  1. Login to the Azure Portal
  2. Select Create a resource from the sidebar
  3. Search for, and select, Key Vault
  4. Fill out the necessary fields, including choosing a suitable name and location (the list of possible locations can be found using the Azure CLI, see below), and click Create

Using the CLI

  1. Login to Azure using the Azure CLI

    az login

  2. Create a resource group, choosing a suitable name and location

    az group create --name <rg-name> --location <location>

    To view a list of possible locations use the command

    az account list-locations
  3. Create the Key Vault, choosing a suitable name and location and referencing the resource group created in the previous step

    az keyvault create --name <kv-name> --resource-group <rg-name> --location <location>
    A Key Vault has now been created that can be used to store secrets.

Configuring the vault to work with Tessera

Azure uses an Active Directory system to grant access to services. We will create an ‘application’ that we will authorise to use the vault. We will provide the credentials created as a result of this to authenticate our Tessera instance to use the key vault.

In order for the vault to be accessible by Tessera, the following steps must be carried out:

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal
  2. Select Azure Active Directory from the sidebar
  3. Select App registrations, New application registration and complete the registration process. Make note of the Application ID.
  4. Once registered, click Settings, Keys, and create a new key with a suitable name and expiration rule. Once the key has been saved make note of the key value - this is the only opportunity to see this value!

To authorise the newly registered app to use the Key Vault complete the following steps:

  1. Select All services from the sidebar and select Key vaults
  2. Select the vault
  3. Select Access policies and Add new
  4. Search for and select the newly registered application as the Principal
  5. Enable the Get and Set secret permissions

Enabling Tessera to use the vault

Environment Variables

If using an Azure Key Vault, Tessera requires two environment variables to be set:

  1. AZURE_CLIENT_ID: The Application ID
  2. AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: The application registration key

Both of these values can be retrieved during the application registration process as outlined above.


The Azure dependencies are included in the tessera-app-<version>-app.jar. If using the tessera-simple-<version>-app.jar then azure-key-vault-<version>-all.jar must be added to the classpath.